The school

HUM'ANIMATION: a project to raise awareness on the realities of humanitarian work

CoCreate Humanity led to a partnership with GOBELINS and Graphic Motion Design, which aim was to produce a one-minute motion design for each student.

CoCreate Humanity - Balade antipersonnel

CoCreate Humanity is an association whose objective is to support humanitarian workers by helping and raising awareness of the traumas specific to humanitarian work.

As a matter of fact, burnout, stress and post-traumatic stress disorders are frequently encountered by men and women working in this sector.

Each film had to stage the real testimony of a humanitarian worker, member of the association CoCreate Humanity, in order to raise awareness of this cause.

This partnership was made possible by Hélène Ros, Christoph Hensch, and Sébastien Couturier, all three co-founders of the association.

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News published on February 10, 2023